Asia Pacific Journal of Emerging Markets (ISSN: 2706-5634)

Announcements: Call for Papers 2021 And Call for Papers 2022

Submission Guidelines

Given are the important instructions, which are required to read and follow carefully to ensure that your manuscript is of good quality and published as quickly and efficiently as possible. The journal reserves rights to refuse a manuscript that do not follow the particular instructions.

Manuscript Submission

Authors are required to submit Word (doc., docx) or rich text (rtf.) files via journal’s online system for the submission of manuscript.

 License and permissions

The conditions of publication are the exclusive license granted by the author to the journal. This confirms that third-party requests to copying the article material handled proficiently and regularly and that article spread extensively. When distributing copyright, writers might refer their own resources in other articles by confirming the original place of publication and that author has to notify this to journal in advance.

The author has to make sure that the Work submitted to the journal for publication must be original, and not published or under consideration elsewhere. If you want to include previously published figures, forms, or partial text, the authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder before submitting.

Cover Letter

A cover letter having a brief information about the manuscript (the structure); information of corresponding authors or contact person (including full name; phone number; email address; and mailing address); specification of number of items displayed like charts and tables and other attachments i.e. manuscripts, numbers, supplementary information, if any, and their format along with all submissions is required.

A declaration statement is also required confirming that the article is not published previously or submitted for publication in other journal at the same time.

Preparation of Manuscript

Generally, the paper needs to be written in clear English.  The additional help for writing quality English without grammatical mistakes, appropriate use of spelling and language, and the author may consult the American Journal Expert website. The URL of website is

Here are the required formats of different types of articles:

Research paper format

The research article introduces the original research and presents a specific hypothesis or question that is clearly stated. The paper should provide new methods and new insights for the problem being solved. The research article should be divided into the following titles:

  • Title page
  • Author’s information
  • Current address
  • Summary
  • Key words
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Method
  • Result
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgement
  • Reference
  • Table
  • Figures

 Review Article Format:

A review article is one in which author / authors trying to summarize the recent research on a particular topic. Preferably, the author conduct a comprehensive search to find out everything about the topic and then categorizes it into a logical view. Concerned researchers can write a review article under the following heading:

  • Title page
  • Author’s information
  • Key words
  • Current address
  • Summary
  • Text
  • Acknowledgement
  • reference
  • Table and Figures

Please refer to your journal’s manuscript submission guide to confirm which reference style it meets and other specific requirements.


The manuscript text should be in 12-font size, Times New Roman, double-spacing and typed in Microsoft word. Manuscript should contain an abstract of 120-150 words approximately.


All the tables should have numbers in Arabic numerals in the quoted order in text and have a title in short description at the top representing the text / figures in tables. The author may include footnotes below the table.


The numbers should be provided in an appropriately sized electronic format for printing at the following resolutions: line drawings and combinations of 600 dots per inch (dpi); grayscale and color at 300 dpi. Color numbers must be provided in CMYK instead of RGB colors. Make sure that the prepared electronic image file is printed in clear size and has a high quality publication.


The journal requires using APA style guide six for referencing and citations. The references listed at end of manuscript must be arranged in alphabetical manner and the references of same author should be chronologically arranged.


All submissions will be checked for errors and may be referred for editing, so it is important to check the proofs carefully. PDF page samples are sent to the suitable author through email for review. The delays in publication are avoided by reviewing and returning the proofs within 48 hours. Corrections must be returned through email.

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